
Rivermen NFT
8 min readJan 14, 2022


Rivermen AMA 04 transcript

BAYC(无聊猿游艇俱乐部)在本月的地板价超过了Crypto Punks。

The floor price of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) has been over Crypto Punks this month.

Crypto Punks特殊性在于它是第一个基于以太坊发布的NFT项目,并且代表了生成艺术,BAYC是一个IP、潮玩属性极强的项目。现在,两者现在均为NFT头部项目,成为加密社交世界里的身份象征。

The particularity of Crypto Punks lies in that it’s the first NFT project released on Ethereum and represents generative art, while BYAC features strong IP and designer toys. Now both are NFT head projects, becoming symbols in the crypto social world.


河里人是国内第一个NFT10K项目,并且具有基于元宇宙的AVATARS属性,X Rabbits Club则手握移动互联网时代的热门IP冷兔,目前正在筹备冷兔NFT的发行事宜。


In the Web2.0 world, although there is a multitude of excellent original IPs in the Chinese community, a project like BAYC is absent. Rivermen is not only the first domestic NFT 10k project but also has the attribute of AVATARS. In comparison, X Rabbits Club, having Lengtoo which is the popular IP in the mobile internet era, is preparing for the release of Lengtoo NFT. The following is a review of AMA hosted by founders of two popular domestic IP projects with the theme of “How to well convert popular IP in crypto”


大家晚上好,我是冷兔工作者负责人小易。冷兔更像是大家理解的 pfp,在项目没开始前,我们团队从设计层面、玩法、crypto等方向做了非常多时间的研究。 在web2的世界里,冷兔这个IP有一定的粉丝基础,但在web3世界中,我们要如何去呈现native 的内容?那这并不是简单地加一些加密元素就可以了,所以刚好借此机会和大家一起分享一下我们团队近期的一些感受。

Shuihan Yi: Good evening everyone, I’m Xiao Yi, the head of Lengtoo. Lengtoo is more like a profile picture project(PFP). Before the project started, our team did a lot of research from the aspects of design, play, crypto, et cetera. Lengtoo has some fans in the Web2.0 world, but the problem is that how should we represent native contents in the Web3.0 world. It’s not as simple as adding some crypto elements, so i’d like to take this opportunity to share with you guys some of our team’s recent feelings.


大家晚上好,我是NOVA,刚刚易总也提到了Crypto native ,那我这边的第一个问题是 如果说冷兔是pfp项目类型的话,那要怎样去体现crypto native 的追求呢?

NOVA: Good evening everyone, I’m NOVA. Yi mentioned crypto native just now, then the first question here is that as a PFP, how does Lengtoo reflect the pursuit of crypto native?


我对 native 的理解分两个层面,第一个层面就是信念或者叫信仰吧,第二个为什么说冷兔是 pfp 呢? 大家可以发现,在不同的场景下,人的表现是不同的。比如在钉钉、企业微信或者飞书上,大家可能会更加偏向证件照,而在比较私密的场景中,比如社区、推特、微博等,大家会更喜欢能展现自己二喜好或者性格的图像。那我目前理解的这个 crypto 的这种 PfP 是可以展现单个主体的一些特征的。

Shuihan Yi: There are two points. The first is faith and the second is PFP. You can find that people act differently in different scenes. For instance, ppl may prefer ID photos as their profile pictures when using office software, while they tend to use pictures that can display their preferences or personalities when using more private apps such as Twitter and Weibo. As for me, the PFPs are able to show some of the characteristics of an individual.



NOVA: I got you. You mean that both the way and the content ppl from different cultures or communities express is different.


是的,因为严格意义上crypto 它不属于哪个国家,也不属于谁,它目前其实是一种加密文化圈的表现形式。打开推特,我们其实通过头像可以大致知道他大概是一个什么样的用户。比如说是如果出现猴子或者朋克的头像,在基于crypto的一些认知上,我们大概可以判断他是一个加密爱好者或者是NFT的收藏家。

Shuihan Yi: Yes. Crypto doesn’t technically belong to any country or anyone, it’s actually a reflection of the culture of the crypto community. On Twitter, we can get a rough idea of what kind of user he/she is. For example, if there is a monkey or punk profile picture, we can probably consider he/she is a crypto lover or an NFT collector.


本身冷兔在传统聊天领域已经非常普及,无论是表情包也好,还是说头像 IP 也好,都是一个很普及的东西了。那如何在这个形象的基础上再做出一点 crypto native 的东西呢?


Lengtoo has been very popular in the traditional field as a sticker or profile picture. Then how to create something that is crypto native based on the image of Lengtoo.


更重要的是IP的叙事性。目前我们看到的绝大多数成功的一些 PFP ,严格意义上来说并没有 story 或者 roadmap ,但是还是能看出来一些简单的 crypto 的特性。

比如说无聊猿,他描述了一个场景,当加密行业的人积累了一定的财富,在他老年生活中一种无聊的状态。当前的市场都有这样叙事的趋势,那在叙事性上,冷兔也需要有自己的突破。首先第一个在设计上,之前在国内做的形象是一个穿白色内裤的的冷兔宝宝。那大家现在看到的这个 X rabbit 其实是不同形态的,这个 rabbit 基本上已经不是一个 baby 了。第二个是我们在后面的这个 story 里面会把为什么是 X rabbit 而不是一个什么 cool rabbit 或者 cold rabbit ,目前我们是这样去和以前传统的去做区分的。

Shuihan Yi:

The most important thing is the story behind the IP. Most of the successful PFPs that we have seen so far do not have a story or roadmap, but some simple crypto features can still be seen.

BAYC, for instance, described a scenario where someone in the crypto industry accumulated a great amount of wealth and became bored when he’s old. There is a trend of narratives in this market. Lengtoo also needs to make a breakthrough in narratives. Firstly, in terms of design, the image designed domestically before was a cold bunny in white underwear. The X Rabbit you see now is basically not a baby anymore. Secondly, we will explain why we choose X rabbit rather than a cool rabbit or a cold rabbit from traditional ones.


按照我的理解,在叙事上和形象调整上面,都会对 crypto 的社区做出一些特殊化的改造,然后使原本的更加泛化的 IP 形象变得 crypto native 一些。


Based on my understanding, some special transformation will be made to the community through the adjustment of narratives and images, and then the original generalized IP image will be more crypto native.



Shuihan Yi

That’s right, the hardest part is after you give up the profile picture.




We’ve talked a lot, would you like to share with us what kind of updates will there be except the roadmap and white paper after the release?


目前我们的 roadmap 还没有出来,但是我们自己还是坚定了一个原则,就是要做我们自己最擅长的部分的事情。因为我们在传统的 web 2.0 领域里面,和其他IP合作是我们非常擅长的部分。那进入到 native 领途,它可能让这个事情变得更加的容易。

比如说 Bored Ape Yacht Club 和阿迪合作。我认为这个世界上不可能只有一个 Bored Ape Yacht Club,它也不可能把所有的潮牌全部吃掉。

Shuihan Yi:

We haven’t completed our road map yet, but we are committed to doing what we are good at. In traditional Web2.0, we are good at working with other IPs. Getting into the native field makes this even easier.

BAYC has worked with Adidas. I don’t think there is only one BAYC in the world and it can not capture all fashion brands.


所以这种合作方式实际上web3领域是更好做,而且是大家更欢迎的一个方式。和 web 2 领域不太一样,大家对自己的流量看得没有那么重。


So this kind of collaboration is actually the better way to do it in the Web3.0 world and it’s a more welcoming way. Different from Web2.0, ppl in Web3.0 don’t take their followers as seriously.




易水寒:我们项目的Discord在不到10天增长了24000人,在 24,000 人里面,我们在传统领域的流量并没有使用。我们并没有想到会有很多粉丝涌出来,以至于我们最开始设计的邀请机制和现在这个机制是完全不一样的,而且每天都在迭代新的邀请机制。我个人认为目前作为一个国人项目最难突破的点就是在海外。我们是基本的逻辑和路径是国人、海外华人最后才是其他国家的加密爱好者。


Teacher Guo from the community:

  1. One thing that I think is interesting about Lengtoo is that it features many cold jokes and memes. Memes went viral in crypto communities and around the world. So what will Lengtoo do in this regard especially meme?
  2. Lengtoo is a Chinese project. We know that the Chinese project is unwelcomed by ppl from the crypto community. Lengtoo has a lot of fans from the traditional field who are not familiar with crypto. When these fans enter the crypto community, it may cause chaos which is probably because they don’t know anything about crypto and may fall into pitfalls. I would like to ask you how Lengtoo can well interact with the crypto community in the future?

Shuihan Yi:

In less than 10 days, our Discord members grew by 24,000 people who are not all our fans from the traditional field. We didn’t expect so many fans to come out, so the original invitation system we designed was completely different from the one we have now because we iterate on it on a daily basis. I think the most tricky problem is for a Chinese project is how to attract an overseas market. Our logic is that the Chinese are the foremost, and then overseas Chinese and the last is crypto enthusiasts from other countries.




The most common NFT avatar in the market is very monotonous and boring lately, as well as very unfriendly to floor price holders. I hope that not only the expensive NFTs are valuable, or they will affect the overall value of the project. How do you arrange your project in this regard?


Shuihan Yi:

This question is about the distribution of scarcity. Our team has studied this point hard before. We can make 10,000 different NFTs, but when each individual uses it, they will not think of it as a whole set of NFT. For specific solutions, you can pay attention to our design.



community members:

Is there any chance that Lengtoo and the Rivermen will work in the future to promote Chinese culture to the overseas market?


Shuihan Yi:

In fact, we also created a series related to Along the River During the Qingming Festival, on which we have many opportunities to cooperate.



community members:

Now, many NFTs can only serve as profile pictures and have no other functions. Additionally, many

NFTs will issue tokens to support. Will Lengtoo consider issuing tokens in the future?



Shuihan Yi:

If tokens are needed, they will be issued under the governance of DAO. It’s hard for NFT to continue without value support. We will focus on working with fashion brands which we are best at.


刚刚有听到你说是打算在加密世界做一个原创的 IP ,那这个 IP 和原来的冷兔 IP 之间有什么联系呢?是否会有版权的纠纷?

Community Ambassador Fang:

I just heard that you are planning to create an original IP in the crypto world. What is the connection between this IP and the Original one? Will there be copyright disputes?




Regarding copyrights, we will refer to Apes. In the NFT field, copyright problems need to be explored by everyone.



Host Lailai:

There is a huge cultural gap between Chinese and overseas crypto lovers. How can we cope with this problem and make it easier for foreigners to learn and understand Chinese culture?


首先我认为 Crypto 不属于哪个国家,包括我们做什么东西,当然也不是说我今天就一定要去做文化输出。褐色幽默以及一些冷笑话其实都是共通的,那包括现在大家经常说的一些meme,meme在严格意义上说是最快能够达成传播的。所以在这点上来说,并不是今天要把中国文化向国外传输,而是能够把内容有趣的呈现出来,它自然而然就能传播。

Shuihan Yi:

First of all, I think crypto doesn’t belong to any country. Additionally, what we are doing doesn’t have to be cultural exports. Black humor and cold jokes can be understood by all, including memes that can also spread extremely rapidly. Regarding this, it’s not about disseminating Chinese culture abroad, but it’s about displaying the content in an interesting way. In this way, the culture spread naturally.


幽默本身是一个表达方式,至于表达的具体内容是什么,可以因文化环境而异。包括我们在说 crypto native 的时候,那是不是还有一些crypto 的梗和文化在这里。传播时可以在更大的语境范围内,做到被认可而且简单易懂的内容。


Humor is a way of expression. As for the specific content of expression, can vary with the cultural environment. When we say crypto native, we also mean some crypto memes and culture, which can be recognized and easy to understand in more scenarios.



community members:

I’d like to hear your views on the SOS that has become popular recently.


从法理上包括法律意义上来说,这是非法的,但是加密世界没有法律。opensea到目前还没有发币,包括说出来那句我们有全过足够的钱过冬,这种话是一个挺伤人心也很不道德的行为。社区里面有暴躁老哥愿意搞这么个事情来反击一下,大家也是乐见其成。实际上 SOS 对于 opensea 的作用并没有那么的明显,是它会作为一个梗在这里,或者说一个旗帜在这里树立着,然后不断地有信徒去跟从它,然后去认可它。但是当落到实处的时候,他能对 opensea 的决策产生多大规模的影响?我现在看不清处,而且我对此持一个悲观态度。

但是从另外一个角度来看,对 SOS 本身来说,它代表的是一种更加广泛的精神,不断地警示着后面想要效仿opensea的项目方。


From a legal perspective, this is illegal, but there is no law in the crypto world. OpenSea has yet to issue any tokens. Additionally, the comment that we have enough money to survive the winter, which is both heartbreaking and unethical. There’s an aggrieved guy in the community who’s willing to do something like this to fight back, and everyone’s happy to see it happen. In fact, SOS is not so beneficial to OpenSea. It will be set up here as a meme or a flag, and then believers will follow it and recognize it. But when it comes down to it, how much influence can it have on OpenSea’s decisions? I can’t see clearly now, and I take a pessimistic view of it.

But from another point of view, SOS itself represents a broader spirit, a constant warning to future projects that want to emulate OpenSea.



community members:

There are many PFPs, memes, and IP-based projects in the market. I would like to ask, what are the reasons for the success or failure of these projects and their advantages?



Shuihan Yi:

This is actually hard to say because the reasons for the success or failure of each project are different. If you want to increase your chances of success, I think the most obvious point is that the team should do what it’s best at. Perhaps many people do not realize this point. For example, some teams have very strong design abilities and cannot be surpassed in the industry. It is not easy for the following projects to imitate or beat them.



community members:

What are the next marketing directions of Lengtoo?


近期会把 roadmap 全部放出来,这次就不在 AMA 里面去做具体的讨论。个人认为运营的节奏很重要,所以希望大家也能多给冷兔一些时间,非常感谢大家的支持。

Shuihan Yi:

The road map will be released soon, and we will not discuss it in AMA this time. I think the rhythm of operation is very important, so I hope you can give us more time. Thank you very much for your supports.



Rivermen NFT
Rivermen NFT

Written by Rivermen NFT

Blind boxes based on the voxel version of the famous ancient Chinese painting “Along the River During the Qingming Festival”

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