[Recap] AMA07 with Rich Sad Cat | Which Project Will Be the “BAYC of the East”?
河里人第7次AMA回顾 | NFT Spring 来势汹汹,东方 BAYC 花落谁家?
English version
Crazytree (founder of RSC)
Why did we decide to make a cat NFT? That’s because there are so many ailurophiles in our team. And the reason we named it Rich Sad Cat(RSC) is we wanted to make a conflict where richness and sadness appeared at the same time. If we can make people consider why they are still sad when got rich, I think our project is somewhat successful.
When our designer named the project, he thought sadness is a kind of complex emotion that is not necessarily a suffering mood but worry. For instance, on the one hand, you are pretty rich, on the other hand, you are still worried about other things.
I have talked with Nova about the roadmap before. One thing I wanna mention here is charity. Most other projects’ roadmaps also included a charity that donate money to the fund for animal protection. For RSC, we hope to create a Charity DAO in the NFT field aiming to sweep the floor of some dying projects that feature great art value.
The Charity DAO must have a treasury, so how do you plan to fund this vault? Who will manage the treasury and decide whether to buy a certain object?
A proportion of sales revenue and royalties will be put into the vault. We’ll let the community nominate for the manager. We, as the project side, will nominate ourselves, and we will definitely take the initiative to search for NFTs that we think are undervalued. One has to do with cats. The other is that we think its art is really good. After nomination, votes are held. And then we use the public purse to buy these NFTs. This is just our blueprint for treasury management, there may be various problems during practice, and I believe we can solve them together.
The reason why our DAO is named Charity DAO instead of a Venture DAO is that we think the money spent on buying NFTs may be totally unrewarding because we don’t buy NFTs in an investment way. This may be abnormal in the crypto market which always follows the money. At least a small part of the people I know buy NFTs for their interests and hobbies. This point I think is the key to making us outstanding from the market, so I try to take this even further. And if the community attaches importance to ROI and vote financially, we won’t against their wishes, though our overall guidance is to lead members to support good projects for hobbies.
Community Member
What advantages does the economic model of the NFT project have compared to the economic model of traditional blockchain projects? How does the RSC plan to create a sustainable economic model?
We don’t have any game mechanics and we’re not a P2E project either. So for us, I don’t know what the economic model is. We don’t particularly emphasize the concept of an economic model, we probably just want to build a community that can thrive and grow over the long term.
Whether holding or trading, in my view as a product manager, these financial attributes are able to let it be a way of bringing the community members together, but it is not the main purpose. Instead, my goal is to give RSC holders more experience with community interactions. And then on top of that, you can get a lot more financial return on the basis of secondary transactions and receiving new airdrops. I felt that was all I could achieve and wanted to achieve.
Community Member
Nowadays thousands of NFT projects are coming out, how do Chinese projects be distinctive, empower their collections, and take in other cultures?
I’m going to answer this very briefly, NFT projects actually are coming out all the time. When it is bear markets, NFTs go to zero before it even gets into people’s eyes. This may also be a reason for the existence of RSC’s Charity DAO. Because there have been programs in history that have gone to zero, actually not because they weren’t good, but because of bad luck. Now let’s get to how to accommodate other cultures as domestic production. I mentioned in my last AMA that one method is to make yourself very small. If you make yourself small enough, you don’t need to expect that you can represent the whole Chinese culture in a comprehensive way. Don’t make extravagant hopes such as signifying the entire culture.
What we need to do is to find small entry points in our culture like tea, Mahjong, and Beijing Opera. Then we try to explain it in the contexts of different races and cultures. This is a quicker way to export our culture. In fact, Americans do this in the same way. They reduced their culture to a very small point and called it universal value, then performed American stories with actors from various races and languages. Hence, we don’t have to regard ourselves as the Messiah of Chinese culture since we are not the only ones reviving the culture. Do something within our scope.
Although I am very fond of Chinese-style things and concepts, whether it is music or art, I never think I must emphasize the root of our culture when making a project international. First, I think it’s inevitable to convey our culture and value unconsciously because each of our moves expresses Chinese values. So, for Chinese projects, they don’t need to deliberately show Chinese culture no matter art or gameplay.
Secondly, how do Chinese NFTs expand the cultural market? For RSC, the image created at the beginning and the future community atmosphere we want to build is international. Our team members are from all over the world, so we hope everyone can befriend foreigners and let them know our cultures and values.
In all, the most fantastic thing about a community is that we can communicate with others across time and location. And if you do it well enough, you can build some consensus and some communication across cultures and across races. I think this is the most fascinating part of the community, and it’s our goal. At the beginning of the year, the Clubhouse was a little popular in China for a while where people can communicate with people around the world without a VPN. Even if you can’t communicate, you can spy on the contents of the communication. I think it’s great. Especially under the previous circumstances, my desire for globalization is getting stronger and stronger, so I hope that RSC can become a platform for my own ideas and aspirations to achieve my goals.
最早我们为什么会选取猫猫这个形象?一方面是团队里面有特别多的猫奴,另外一块是我们希望在头像 NFT上的设计概念上面有一种矛盾和冲突,我们取的名字也叫 RSC 就希望大家能够看到这个比较不那么统一的讲个形容词的时候可以去思考一下为什么在rich的时候会感到 sad 的情绪,如果能够唤醒大家对这样子的发问的话,我觉得我们这概念算是比较成功了。
我们设计师在设计的时候,他会觉得sad这种东西其实他是一个非常复杂和综合的一种情感,他不是什么很沉重的氛围和阴暗的色调才叫sad,所以这有时候 sad 给人的感觉是一种对比感。你虽然特别有钱,但是你特别忧郁忧愁,而这种东西可能会让人家这种对比的感觉可能会让大家印象更深刻,这个是形象设计上的概念。
关于 roadmap 我之前之前我们之前也跟 Nova 有聊过,我是证明有个比较有意思的一个 part 就是 RSC 为了符合这个项目形象设计的气质,我们就会设定很有意思的 charity DAO。我们知道很多之前和 NFT 项目都会有 charity 的部分,但他们 charity 更多是捐赠一些比如说动物保护基金等。那对于 RSC 的话,我们希望做一个面向于 NFT 里面的一个 charity DAO。那这个现在Charity DAO可能会去扫一些归零,应该是美术上面特别优秀或者社区氛围特别好的一些归零的项目。
这个 charity DAO它一定会存在一个 treasury 就可能会存在一个小金库。这个金库的注资你们打算怎么完成?后续金库的管理,包括最终决定要不要买某个标的是由谁来决定的呢?
Crazytree 这个金库我们会直接从销售收入和版税之后的一份比例直接就放到这个金库名单中。我们会让社区先提名。我们自己是项目方自己会去提名,我们自己肯定会主动去搜寻一些我们觉得有价值或者被低估的。一个是跟猫有关。另一个是我们觉得它的美术真的非常的好,我们去在社区里面进行提名,然后提名之后再进行投票,投票完之后我们再用公共的钱包去购买这些项目。现在初步的设定是这样的,但可能实行中会遇到各种各样的问题,到时候我们再一起去解决。
我们DAO的机制之所以把它命名为 Charity DAO而不是一个 Venture DAO的原因就是因为我们会觉得这笔钱我们团队包括我们,希望我们的社区成员能够接受他,他跟大多数 NFT 的兴趣消费是一样的,你很有可能是完全没有完全归零,完全没回报的。 这个事情可能在 Crypto 圈里面不是那么常见,因为它的金融属性会非常强。但是在 NFT 流行完之后,我觉得至少我是认识一些小部分的人,是完全可以为了自己的兴趣爱好可以去投资或者去购买消费一些 NFT ,真的是纯消费,这种氛围我觉得是一整个市场,是能够显得跟其他 NFT 市场不一样的一个特别核心的一点。所以尝试我们也希望尝试把这点精神能发扬光大了。但如果在社区投票过程中,如果大多数人对投资回报率会有一定的看重,他们特别注重 ROI 的体现的话,那这样子得出来投票结果也会体现出来大家的意志。所以这个事情我们不会专门去遏制或者控制,但我们整体的引导还是希望大家能够真的为了兴趣,为了支持好的项目,去做出这样子的一个消费和投资。
NFT 项目的经济模型,和传统区块链项目的经济模型相比有什么优势?RSC 打算如何打造一个可持续可循环的经济模型?
我们本身也没有特别强的游戏机制,或者我们也不是一个 P2E 的项目。所以对我们来说,我不知道它经济模型指的是什么。我们没有特别强调经济模型这个概念,我们可能只是希望自己这样子的一个社区能够更长期地活跃和发展下去。 不管是交易或者是持有,我觉得我的理解,在一个社区产品经理的角度,这些金融的属性其实是能够让大家社区凝聚力更强的一种方式,但它不是主要目的,如果是经济的投入和产出是主要目的的话,那我就没有必要做一个头像类的 NFT 了。我去我去做一个 P2E 的游戏可能会更有效。或者说我去发一个 token 可能会更有效。所以说 RSC 打造一个可持续可循环的经济模型。这个命题对来说我的理解或者我的目标反而是能够让 RSC 的持有者能够在社区融入上面获得更多的体验。然后在经济回报上面通过非常正常的二手交易和持有新的空投就这样这种基础形式下面能够获得更多的经济回报。我觉得这就已经是我能够达成的和想要努力达成的回报了的目标了。
在如今井喷式的一个 NFT 项目的情况下面,国产项目如何能够做出有特色,然后又可以赋能 NFT 然后又可以接纳包容其他文化的这种项目。
我简短地回答一下,NFT项目井喷实际上一直在发生,只不过在那些不是熊市不是 NFT summer 不是 NFT 牛市的那些阶段里面井喷出来那些 NFT 甚至没有来得及进入公众视野就归零了,这可能也是 RSC 他们的 charity DAO存在的一个意义。因为过往的历史中有一些归零的项目,实际上并不是因为他们本身不行,而是时运不济,有一些这些东西。然后再说如何在国产这个领域里面做出来这样一个能够包容其他文化的项目。我上期的 AMA 时候提过一个方法,就是把自己缩得很小,把自己缩得足够小,就不用指望自己能大而全地代表整个中国文化之类的东西,不要做那种奢望。 你实际上只需要寻找一个小的切入点,那可能今天是茶,明天是麻将,后天是京剧这些小的切入点,然后去在不同民族、不同海外民族他的语境下去重新诠释这一点,用洋人的话讲中国的故事,用这种方式实际上是比较快的,能够将一些文化的因素打出去的方式。其实老美他们也是这么干的,他们把自己的文化缩成了一个瘦成皮包骨的所谓普世价值。然后再通过披上各种人种的皮,各个国家的文化,用他们当地的语言去演绎他们的美国故事。这种在好莱坞电影里面已经非常常见了。所以你说路径吗?有。但是问题在于说,我们作为中国的文化创作者,就不要给自己强行加那么重的担子。中华文化的光复不止你一个人在做,你没有必要把自己当成救世主,就自己做自己力是力所能及的事情,这是最好的状态。
我虽然自己特别很喜欢,蛮喜欢中国风的东西和概念的,不管是音乐还是美术上面,但我从来不会觉得当我要作为国际化项目的时候,我一定要去突出自己的文化的根源或属性的东西。因为首先我觉得这事情是不可避免的。我作为一个长期在经营在某一个文化环境的人,哪怕我想要装或者想要去避免自己去体现出一些中国文化的内容,其实我是装不了的,主人内核一定是有一些中国文化的属性和思想在其中的,哪怕我想要去做一些直接出发点去做国际化东西一定会体现出来。所以我觉得中国的项目不管在美术表达上也是游戏玩法设计上面,不用太刻意去说,我这东西一定要一个传统文化故事的包装我觉得这个事情是没有必要的,这是我的第一个观点。第二个观点是国人项目怎么能扩大文化市场,我觉得东西对于起码对 RSC 来说,一开始选定的这个形象和未来我们想要去做的社区的氛围其实都更偏向于国际化和全球化一点。我们华人市场当然是非常受欢迎以及非常有潜力的啊,但我和我们团队都蛮还是真的是文化背景还是蛮全球化的。所以大家还是希望能够跟更多的外国朋友去交流,然后让他们也能够认同我们的一些社区文化和价值,然后大家一起把这个事情做得足够好玩。
那说到底,一个社区最有意思就是最迷人的地方是你能够跨过时间地域。然后如果你足够做足够好,你还能跨过文化、跨过种族去凝聚一些共识和一些交流。我觉得这个是社区最迷人的地方,也是我们的目标。对。然后这个问题我也是想说。年初的时候,比如说年初 clubhouse 或者在国内稍微火过一段时间,那个时候大家是可以不用挂梯子,就能跟全球的人去交流,和氛围的去交流。哪怕你不能交流,你能窥探大家的交流的内容,和一些风格。我觉得那样子体验度来说是很好的。尤其在以前的情况下,我自己去对全球化这个东西的渴望是在越深的,所以也希望如果是 RSC 可以成为我自己这样子一种想法和一种渴望的载体,去实现自己的目标。