[Recap]AMA08 with Weirdo Ghost Gang|Involution of Whitelists
English version
Originally intended to screen and reward genuine community participation, whitelisting has become an arbitrage tool for project owners. At present, the way they give whitelists is not transparent, and the speculation of some project parties in the secondary market may bring temporary false prosperity. So before striving for the whitelists, they need to take a good look at the project, research the roadmap of the project, the staffing of the team, etc. On the other hand, the whitelist involution leads to many users do not have any time or energy to study or enjoy life in the long run.
At the same time, if we look at the current NFT markets, it is a very mixed state, where users can choose the project, and the project expects to have the right to choose the users they want. Although there are many new NFT projects entering the market every week, the attention is basically on only one or two projects every week, resulting in many buyers and few sellers. Mainly because there are no new entrants to the market, no matter how many projects there are, the holders are the same people. The crypto market lacks a Nintendo. When new entrants rush into the market, the chance for whitelisting may be slight.
Back to the whitelist involution, when the users invested a lot of energy but did not get what they want. The project or even the entire industry will suffer a certain degree of backlash. At the same time, if one single user or programmer holds a large number of whitelists, the whole project will become meaningless because of the lack of more members, which is equivalent to destroying their floor price. Therefore, both the projects and the users should maintain the development of the industry.
Community member
I’ve been in the industry for a very short time. In order to catch up with the development of the industry, every day besides sleep and eating, I research projects. So I got no time on playing bass and some other instruments, which I want to play again. But I’m afraid I will be outdated if spending time on my hobbies because the development of NFT fields is so fast. Then I don’t know how I should come out, I hope you can give me some advice.
There are so many people producing new knowledge every day in this industry. Nobody can collect all the information, stop trying to make yourself an encyclopedia. If you have other abilities, you can apply them in the NFT field and be an innovator in this field. I think this is a better way to enter this new field.
community member
At present, domestic NFT projects have been getting better and better, and there will be such a state of collaboration. For example, I can get the whitelists of Ali and other projects if I hold an Xrabbit. What influence and change will this phenomenon bring to the industry?
This will attract users who aren’t really interested in building your community and won’t necessarily have the energy or time to contribute to the community. If it continues like this, one of the problems is that members will run out of money to buy, because holders of different NFTs are the same.
Since domestic projects are often regarded as underdogs, this kind of collaboration may be a good way to start a project. As Sleepy said, however, such collaboration continues will make members of domestic projects the same people.
This method is a double-edged sword, but it seems to have more disadvantages. Maybe it’s good for projects to survive in the early stage. While looking at the big picture, it restricts the development of the whole domestic NFT market.
Community member
Do you have considered how to make holders keep holding or be willing to build the community? There are really very few projects that can do that right now.
There are two main steps. The first step is to deepen the existing holders’ connection to the community. The second way is to get more people into the community. We’re going to start with the first step by airdropping merchandise or NFTs including the voxel version that we’re going to do in Season 2 as well as gameplay of the “candy or poison”. These are all benefits for the original Lil Ghost holders. And then on top of that, we’re going to let the community grow to become more influential. And then we will enter the Metaverse and open a fashion store offline which aims to serve the community.
community member
How to internationalize our domestic IP?
This question has actually been asked since August last year when the Rivermen did the first AMA, and it has been asked for months and months, and my answer has been different every time. Until recently, I suddenly discovered one thing, that is, the Chinese project should start from China.
How do you convince people in North America or Western Europe that your project is great when you can’t even occupy the domestic market? And no one in the community tells you this project or the team is good, the trust is hard to build.
I don’t think this phenomenon can be changed by a single project. It must be when more and more teams in our industry work seriously and maintain such a regulation, which is similar to industry ethics, that our image can be improved
Community member
I am a newbie who joined NFT around November last year, since the price of many projects has been lower than the mint price recently, and I want to know how to avoid buying these projects and how to learn.
I think the best way is to buy the one you like best. Then you won’t feel bad if the floor goes down. After all, this is a high-risk investment, and you should try not to invest more than 10% of your working capital.
It’s ok for NFTs to fit into your daily life, but it should be in the right way. And if you’re staring at numbers, it’s never the right way. You should realize that you won’t get every opportunity, you won’t make money on every project, and you won’t know what the next project will rocket. Put your time on things that matter more. I think if you recognize the value that community can bring to you, then you can put some time and effort to build the community.
Community member
Lil Ghost is the only NFT project I have ever worked on, so I don’t have a deep understanding of NFTs. The first question is as an NFT project, how can you guarantee the long-term value so that members are willing to hold.
The second question is I want to know whether the art NFTs survive, or whether PFP projects survive, or metaverse type if all members reach a consensus.
The third problem is that if there is such a phenomenon where some teams do rat trading. If there are, are there some obvious ways that we laymen can recognize and don’t get involved in this kind of NFT?
Long-term value really depends on how you view it. Do you view it as goods or as a community ticket? If you’re regarding it as a product, you don’t even need to look at the long-term value. If you think of it as an admission ticket to the community, you should think about what the team is going to do and what value the community is going to bring to you. And then whether you want those values or not, that’s important.
For the second question, if the market is growing big enough, then we don’t have to consider which kind of projects are going to survive because all of them will survive.
Then for the third question, if you are a veteran in the NFT field, you should know how to do this. Let me tell you some simple ways. Once NFTs are minted, it’s directly available on the main network. Rivermen, for example, there are now about 9,970 of them on the main network, and for each one of them, you can see what it is on the main network. You can see who owns this NFT. Though you don’t know which wallet belongs to the team, you might notice something unusual like a lot of NFTs are in one account, and they are not moving for a long time if the team is trying to manipulate the market.
Community member
How to make domestic projects accepted by others in the international community and develop gradually?
One of the biggest problems, when domestic projects are going overseas, is community fragmentation. Most of our Chinese Discord users have problems using English. There are also some overseas discord users. So we have to create a Chinese channel and an English, then the community is split.
In the short term, I don’t think there is a better way to connect people. Maybe music or paintings are a better way, but language is the most efficient way of human communication, and that won’t change anytime soon.
Community members
For overseas users, how can they join the Chinese or Asian projects?
The western market is a mainstream market, and of course, we want to be a part of it. And now the domestic market is actually not so good. The Secret Action we held had a lot of cultural differences. It’s very difficult to achieve a unified and coordinated community. Our current members are most Chinese, so we are focusing more on the Chinese community.
这个事情好像也是有利有弊,但是好像弊更多一些是吧,从整个 NFT发展的这样一个大的时间线上来看,前期对于中国的一个项目来说,这么做是有利于大家生存的,但是往后期看,它确实在制约着整个国产 NFT 项目大盘的发展,这是一个显而易见的事情了。
怎么说就分成两步,主要就是分成两步。第一步是加深现有持有人他们对社区的连接。第二个路是让更多人加入社区。我们会先从第一步走,我们会用比如说发周边福利或者发其他NFT空投,包括我们第二季会做的 3D 版体素版包括什么那个糖果毒药的玩法。其实这些都是在为初始的小幽灵的持有者去让他们能够享受到更大的福利。然后在此基础之上,我们会让社区扩大,因为社区扩大之后你的影响力会更高,之后其实相当于是加的杠杆倍数越来越高。然后所以也是能让大家有更多的说收益,是不是感觉有点太那啥,但确实也是。然后包括我们后续也会在元宇宙上面有一些布局,然后之后会在线下实体店会开一个潮牌店,就相当于是不断地为这个小幽灵社区去服务。
如何把我们国产的 IP 去走向国际化?
这个问题实际上从去年 8 月份河里人做第一场 AMA的时候,就有人提过,而且这几个月不间断地有人提,然后我每次的答案都不太一样。直到最近我突然发现一个事,也不说最近突然发现我之前想明白一个事,就是我们中国的项目还是要从中国先开始。
当你连本国市场或者说是跟你同文化,大家现在这个频道里面,我相信大部分人都是说中文的,当中文市场你都无法打穿的时候,或者说当中文市场你都无法壮大的时候,你该怎样让北美或者西欧市场人相信你是一个合适的东西,他离着你十万八千里远,然后语言上又有一定的隔阂。然后也没有人也没有一群人告诉你,这个项目我在里面,我觉得 OK 对吧。没有这样一群人的话,实际上这个信任很难建立起来。
我算属于新手,去年 11 月左右时候才加入 NFT 这个圈子里面,因为最近很多项目都破发了,想问一下要怎么样去规避这些东西,然后去怎么样学习。
我觉得避坑最好一个办法就是你买你最喜欢的,这样的话你亏了你也不会难受。这毕竟是属于高风险投资,你尽量不要拿超过你流动资金 10% 去投资。
小幽灵是我参与的唯一一个 NFT项目, 所以我对 NFT 理解比较浅显。我想知道第一个问题就是作为一个 NFT项目,比如说拿小幽灵来说,怎么样能保证长期的价值,比如说它过了很久以后,他依然都有价值,有人愿意 hold 它。
第二个问题我比较纠结的就是我想知道 NFT,它到最后如果全民共识的话,到底是这个艺术品的 NFT 先活下来还是头像类的还是元宇宙类的。 第三个问题就是我之前看到一些类似阴谋论的这些言论,说好多这个 NFT 的项目方,他说是随机开图,但其实他可能将一些稀有的 FT 自己保存下来。然后高价卖出这样子的现象,我想知道是不是真的有这种现象存在?如果有的话,有没有一些浅显的方法可以让我们这些门外汉可以提前预防,就不要去参与这种项目。
然后第三个问题,您说的应该是那个项目方自己是不是作弊留了一些已有的事。您要是币圈老人的话,您应该知道这块怎么办的,我给您说一些比较简单的办法。就有这样几个状态,你比如说这个 mint 一旦被生成出来之后,它就直接在主网上面能看到了就比如说河里人现在在主网上面有将近 9970 个,每一个你都能在主网上看到它是什么,包括你在 opensea 上都能看到,除非它被发到黑洞销毁了。然后这些里面基本上是所有现在已展开的这些个特性了,它在哪个账户里面你也能看到。然后项目方是哪个账户,这个你可能不知道,但是你可能能注意到一些异常,比如说一些 NFT大量集中在了某一个账户里,而且它长久不动。然后包括你可以看到每一个 NFT的流转路径。
如果说有一个账户,它里面可能有将近 100 个稀有,结果这 100 个稀有全都是一开始mint的时候,就在这个账户里面,这个账户是这 100 多个稀有的第一任主人,这可能会有一点小不对劲,因为这个概率事件发生的也太蹊跷了,要么就是项目方自己的随机设置有问题,要么就是确实项目方在这留了一手。
还有最后一种可能性,就是明明他对外宣称自己有 8000 个,但是居然我只能查到 5000 个,而且是 5000 个还都不是很稀有的时候,你就要考虑一下这 3000 个剩下的 3000 个在哪,是不是还没 mint 出来,如果是那样的话,确实也存在风险。
国产项目在向海外推的时候会产生一个最大的问题,就是社区割裂。国内大部分持有人英语的使用能力还是有问题的,河里人也有一些海外持有者,包括我们的 discord 里面也经常有一些英文的聊天。但是到底来说你不可避免的会出现中文一个频道,英文一个频道这样的一个事情,这样的话社区就被割裂开了。
对于海外用户来说,如何才能加入中国项目或者亚洲项目的 Western and Chinese market?
对于西方市场,它也是一个主流市场,我们当然都想去参与到里边。而且现在国内的市场其实没有那么的好。但是因为现在我们的 secret action 它确实是有很多文化之间的差异。我们其实很难去做到一个统一和协调的作用。但是因为我们现在的成员可能都是中国人,所以说我们真的确实会侧重一点在中国社区。