[Recap] RiverTalk 11 with Element | Pros and Cons of Traditional IPs Entering the NFT Field

Rivermen NFT
11 min readMar 4, 2022



We can see a multitude of celebrities and IPs entering the NFT field. By talking to those who work in the traditional industry field, we find that the profits are quite small. Although the blockchain industry is going up, it’s tricky for Web 2.0 IPs to launch an NFT project because traditional market strategies may not work here.

When big names from the Web 2.0 world enter the crypto world, we have to consider whether they can focus on this track. Due to their various businesses in the traditional field, it’s challenging for big names to pay more attention to the crypto business. The way running a business in the Web3.0 world totally differs from the way in the traditional world. In the 3.0 world, teams must inform the community of what they are doing which is often overlooked by businesses from the 2.0 world. The process of the project has to be transparent.

Community member:

Will the roadmap of Rivermen involve tourism or the cultural industry in the future?


Actually, the cultural and tourism industry is strongly bound to the local government. It will be difficult to cooperate until the 20th National Congress of The Communist Party of China (CPC) is held this year.

Moreover, when we are about to open a new chapter of Metaverse tourism, we may face a big problem how can Metaverse increase residents’ income and boost the entire regional economy at the same time. This is the basic logic of developing something in the real world. Many industries cannot develop until this problem is solved.

Community member:

Can you talk about some problems with releasing NFTs based on IPs?


Let’s take a look at Bing Dwen Dwen. The Flow is top in the crypto industry and they succeed in NBA Top Shot. So, with the successful example, it became easier for them to cooperate with the Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games.

Community member:

What are the common internal and external challenges when turning traditional IPs into NFTs? Then what are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional IP compared with crypto native projects, and how to avoid these disadvantages?

Nova: Many crypto teams today are start-up teams with fewer people, and the management is not particularly complicated. For traditional teams with a renowned IP, some common defects will happen such as departmental politics and the KPI-driven problems. Plus, there are more than one leader in a large company. So it’s hard to utilize other departments’ resources because every leader has their own aims.

The most obvious advantage of traditional IPs is that they have a huge number of fans. Additionally, the background stories of traditional IPs are more attractive and logical than crypto-native IPs. After all, the stories and the universe like Marvel and DC were built for years. And the narratives should not be neglected, they can continuously inspire you to create content.

Although traditional IPs got a lot of fans, we have to make sure that the crypto business is able to make use of the power of these fans.

The crypto world, in a broad sense, has no law. As long as the transactions on the blockchain do not cause substantial damage or nominal infringement to those IP transactions under the chain, there is no risk of being charged.

Community member:

There are so many anime IPs, will these IPs go big if they are turned into NFTs?


A big problem faced by anime IPs is that copyright is too scattered, so it may be troublesome to get into the crypto world. And I think anime IPs don’t fit NFTs because the creation of an anime is a centralized thing. So the artist’s thoughts may not be in line with the community’s, which may be an uncertain factor.

在过去的一段时间有很多名人以及传统IP进入了NFT领域,从和传统行业的从业者交流过程中,我们可以发现传统赛道赚钱的方式有一点点 out,或者说是利润很薄了,而区块链行业整体的态势是向上发展的,像冷兔和阿狸这样的传统IP 入局只是一个开始。同时这些传统IP进入之后会踩很多雷,在一个与传统行业有着很多壁垒的新兴赛道中,尽管他们秉着传统行业的操守非常认真地在做事,但是他们不知道该如何去运营,如何去讲故事。再有就是技术团队的能力以及项目背后整体团队的身份牌。



河里人在 roadmap 里有没有想过以后和现实中的文旅产业结合呢?


各地的文旅产业实际上是跟地方政府是有强绑定关系的。也就是在今年二十大召开之前,在国内基本政策的这个倾向不变之前,很难进行合作。 再者就是我们要开启说元宇宙旅游这个新篇章的时候,可能就会面临一个比较大的问题,元宇宙旅游该如何带动这个地区的居民,让他们的收入提升,然后同时完成整个这个地区经济的一个抬升和振兴。这个其实是我们在现实世界中推一个事情的基本逻辑,这点不解决,很多产业是推不动的。


能不能说一下目前一些经典传统 IP 发行 NFT 的经验和问题?


比如说最近大热的冰墩墩吧,Flow的整个团队背景在行业里是非常顶尖的,他们旗下的NBA Top shop运营的非常出色,有了NBA 体育身份的加持之后,Flow的另一个小分队就非常顺利得搞定了冬奥会奥组委。


传统 IP 发行 NFT 通常会遇到哪些来自内部和外部的挑战呢?然后传统 IP 相比于 cryptonative 发行 NFT 有哪些优势和弱势,以及怎么样去规避掉这些弱势呢?

Nova :

很多现在的 crypto 团队其实是初创团队,人员比较少,然后整个管理层面也不会特别复杂。传统 IP 的团队,如果说他 IP 做比较大的话,不可避免的会出现一些大型公司可能出现的通病,比如说山头林立、部门政治,还有一些 KPI 导向的这个绝对化。 一个大型公司,它内部可能有多个 leader ,他们的利益方向是不太一致的,在推行某一个具体业务,比如说他在推行加密领域的业务的时候,很有可能遇到的问题就是你无法调动起除了跟你在对接的这个业务部门以外的其他业务部门的一些资源。

传统 IP 相对于 cryptonative IP的优势,传统 IP 它绝对有凌驾于或者远胜于 cryptonative IP 它的用户基数,这点是不可否认的。再其次是传统 IP 在叙事,在世界观上,在整个 IP 的逻辑自洽上面要比起 cryptonative的 IP 强不止一个档次。毕竟他们可能是经营了多年才建设起来这样一个庞大的宇宙的。比如现在我们看到的漫威宇宙、 DC 宇宙这种的王牌级 IP。 这些都是它经历了若干年才迭代出来的一个最终产物。大家不要去太轻视这个叙事这一点,叙事以及世界观是能帮你源源不断地产生内容的一个最大的金矿。

再说传统 IP 的弱势,如果那些在传统领域已经混不太下去的 IP 他们已经准备 all in 到这个 crypto 里面了之后,他们可能会把公司内部更多的甚至全部的资源给到 crypto 领域,这样会帮助他们比较快的与那些本来就在 all in 的 cryptonative团队进行竞争。 传统 IP 有流量优势,那么我们就一定要确认这个流量优势和这个 crypto 业务是在同一个权利方的手里,我可以比较方便的在我的业务体系内部就调用到这些流量优势。 广义上来说其实 crypto 是没有法律的,只要说线上这部分或者说链上这部分的交易没有对线链下的那些 IP 交易产生实质性的损害和名义上的侵犯,实际上就没有被追责的风险。但是很明显的是,越大的公司对于这种不确定性风险的承受能力或者说是承受预期是越差的.




日本的 IP 这块面临的一个比较大的问题就在于说版权太分散,导致它可能 crypto 策划这块会比较麻烦,但是你说它能不能出现肯定是能的。只不过相对于像漫威 DC 这类的美漫 IP 确实难度要稍高一些,这是一定的。

然后从另外一个角度来讲,这些动漫 IP到底适合不适合进入 crypto 这个领域?我觉得以现在的日本漫画的这个产业的发展的方式来说的话,稍微有那么一点小阻碍,在哪里呢?日本的大部分动漫的 IP创作动力是集中在这个 IP 的创始人,比如说那些漫画家,他怎么往下画这个事情是一个相对来说比较中心化的事情。一个持续性更新的 IP 经常会遇到一个比较难受的问题,IP 的制作人他的个人观点和想法会比较严重地影响 IP 未来的发展走向,会给 IP 本身带来比较强的不稳定因素。



Rivermen NFT
Rivermen NFT

Written by Rivermen NFT

Blind boxes based on the voxel version of the famous ancient Chinese painting “Along the River During the Qingming Festival”

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